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Parent-Teacher Association (PTA)

Parents Teachers Association (PTA) is a voluntary organisation within the school formed every two years in which parents are appointed or nominated. Made up of nine parents and five ARKIS staff members, inclusive of the Principal, the overriding goal is to help the school achieve its vision, mission and values. It is seen as another layer in which to develop closer connections between home and school, and a snapshot of the ARKIS parent body themselves. Their mandate is to support and work with the school with the PTA aiming to improve the environment at ARKIS through volunteer activities.

  1. To help build closer relations between parents, school and the wider community.
  2. To help in supporting the school in the development and organisation as well as sponsoring cultural, social, educational and sports activities- with the aim of empowering students to be successful and principled citizens in the local and global community.
  3. The PTA is an input group, designed to promote structured, two-way communication. As such, the PTA receives and shares feedback between members of the school and the school’s community; it helps to identify and clarify school related issues.
  4. The PTA is a resource for parents to provide input for consideration by the school.
  5. The PTA is not a decision-making body, rather its focus will be to provide input and insight and to make suggestions that can help to strengthen the school’s educational programmes. It is also a means for school administration to provide information on school programmes and activities.
  6. Represent the parents and provide support to the school as it pursues excellence in teaching and learning, and high standards of student achievement.
  7. To support and participate in organising extra-curricular activities, cultural celebrations, presentations, and sporting events that will benefit the school morally and educationally.
  8. To support the school with advice, recommendations and feedback to enrich the relationship between the school and home.
  9. To exchange experiences or knowledge that would benefit the school and its students, by inviting educated individuals in the community to give lectures or participate in panel discussions that deal with significant scientific, educational or artistic issues.

**as per the Terms of Reference 2023-2025 PTA**

PTA Members

Nawaf Saeed


Mohammad Swalheen

Vice President

Hind Kamal


Dr. Rafa Haddad


Fatema Ali


Yousria Alnoaimi


Nader Alshirawi


Yusuf Matar


Sawsan Asaad


Henley Aspril


Maged Nawar


Seham Sharif


Fatema Mohamed


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