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AKA Scholarship

Abdul Rahman Kanoo Award Scholarship’s (AKAS) vision stems from ARKIS’s philosophy statement which focuses mainly on having graduates who are responsible and active citizens, empowered with knowledge and skills to challenge a changing world and contribute to the development of their country.

The purpose of this award is to inspire students towards high academic achievement by
granting them scholarship to well reputed universities.


  • To encourage and motivate students to be challenged by working hard towards the AKAS;
  • To identify exceptionally high performing students in terms of academics and involved in communityservice and after school extra curricular activities;
  • To maintain the school’s image at well reputed Universities and workplace of the graduates.

AKA Scholarship Updates

Amal Al- Madhoob (2024)

Renewable Energy Engineering University of Exeter

Isa Abdulrazaq (2023)

1st year Computer Science University of Arizona

Mariam Madan (2022)

2nd year Business Administration in Finance American University of Bahrain

Redha Aqeel (2021)

3rd year Accounting and finance with industrial experience University of Exeter

Fatima Muneer (2020)

4th year medical genetics University of Sheffield

Sahar Alwatani (2019)

Graduated Economics and international economics
University of Nottingham

Zain Almandeel (2018)

Graduated philosophy politics and economics
University of Reading

Zain Almoayed (2018)

Graduated Architectural Engineering
University of Nottingham

Yara Yusuf (2017)

Graduated Law with International Relations
University of Portsmouth

Dana Aljanahi (2016)

Graduated Business Economics
University Exeter

Aalya Alkooheji (2015)

Masters Global Law, Tilburg
University, Netherlands

Rawan Al Hosani (2014)

Graduated Arts & Technology
Texas University

Kawther Mustafa (2013)

Graduated Mathematics in the University of St Andrews, UK
then completed her PGCE

Ahmed Ali (2012)

Graduated with a Masters from
Cass Business School
City, University London

Noor Marraghi (2011)

Graduated Sociology and Politics from University of Edinburgh, then completed a top up Law degree

Alumni Statistics

2024 Cohort
2021 Cohort
Location Information
Subject Based Information
**86 of the 133 graduating students responded and inclusion was only those who indicated a clear firm course they will study**

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