School Guidance

school Guidance

ARKIS has now shifted its vision into focusing firstly on students safeguarding and well-being in order to ensure a higher quality of education and life in general and the guidance counselors are there to work with students, parents, teachers and school administration to help guide students’ academic, behavioral and social growth. ARKIS has an amazing team spread throughout all school levels starting from pre-school, elementary and secondary school to help facilitate the students’ life and resolve their daily problems and issues in and sometimes out of school too.

The department serves wide range of services such as:
  • One-to-one counseling
  • Group counseling
  • Counseling activities
  • Awareness campaigns
  • Play therapy
  • Collaborations with the pastoral team for behavior management.

The guidance and counseling team works in collaboration with the setup of the main hub rooms and the official venues for the implementation purposes of the program, which are:

The safeguarding office

Where all child protection related and confidential meetings or interviews are conducted.

The play therapy room

A room that is fully equipped in a children-friendly way, colorful and equipped with all the needed toys and resources to facilitate the implementation of play therapy practices in collaboration with our school counselors and play therapists targeting children from (3 to 10) years old to assess their well-being and give them the needful support and prepare their action plans based on that.

(Re-charge) the therapy room

A room that is divided into 5 main sections: Reading (for well-being and psychological support related books), Art therapy (Drawing and painting), Music therapy and lastly a Focus group therapy section (to facilitate sharing experiences and student led talks and experience sharing to help higher grade students deal with any well-being obstacle under the supervision of their safeguarding team members and school psychologists).

Student discipline list for Elementary and Secondary School

At Abdul Rahman Kanoo International School, we prioritise addressing behavioural and pastoral issues using restorative methods in alignment with the guidelines set by the Ministry of Education.

Our approach focuses on resolving conflicts and promoting positive behaviour through a structured disciplinary process. The student disciplinary regulations for Abdul Rahman Kanoo International School outline the consequences for various infractions categorised into first and second degrees. These infractions include being late for school or class, absence without an acceptable excuse, not wearing a school uniform, and behaviour issues inside and outside of the classroom.

Depending on the severity and repetition of the violation, students may receive verbal warnings, written warnings, additional educational assignments, deprivation of school hours, or involvement of the disciplinary committee.

We also emphasise communication and involvement of parents or guardians, ensuring they are informed about their child’s behavior and taking written commitments to prevent future violations.

Our commitment to restorative methods fosters a supportive and respectful school environment while adhering to the Ministry of Education’s guidelines.

Examples of Abdul Rahman Kanoo International School’s restorative practises include:

Guide and advise the student on the importance of punctuality and the impact it has on their education and classmates. Working together to establish strategies to help the student arrive on time, such as setting reminders or organising their morning routine more effectively.

Instead of solely enforcing penalties, the Guidance and Pastoral departments will engage in a conversation with the student and their parents/guardians about the significance of following the school rules and the importance of adhering to these. We will explore any underlying reasons for violations and work towards a shared understanding. If the violation persists, a meeting with the disciplinary committee may be arranged to address the issue further.

By promoting open communication, the school will address any underlying issues that may contribute to certain behavior and provide support or resources if needed. The student and their parents/guardians can be encouraged to explore strategies to overcome any barriers to behaviour in school.

Safeguarding Committee Members

Kate Moskwa

School Principal

Huda Aljamri

Head of Child Protection & Safeguarding Lead

Fadhel Mansoor

Head of Child Protection & Safeguarding Lead

Reshmi Nair

Child Protection Assistant

Leon Shadbolt

Acting Head of Secondary School

Afaf Salmeen

Acting Head of Elementary School

Zainab Yousuf

Senior Social Counselor, Pastoral Care

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